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Print Isn't Dead, It Just Got Interesting.

talking about the different uses of print in marketing. print is still useful in many ways when you're trying to get the attention of potential clients. It's just another channel in a well planned marketing strategy. 

Although the environment is still in need of our attention - print still plays an important role in any business where there is client interaction. Abi takes a look at how Estate Agents and other businesses can make print work harder for them. Here's what the original article said...

The web hasn't pushed print out of the way, it just opened the doors to make it more trackable, useful and well thought out.

As the competition went from local to global, and with the emergences of Estate Agents branches opening up across not just the country but the world, the stakes are raised and it's no longer good enough to drop a few casual flyers through the door.


Putting adverts in magazines, local papers or bill boards, is a little bit like licking your finger and putting it in the air… and let’s face it, rather costly if you aren't getting any business from it.

With the appearance of the first trackable phone numbers, and now landing pages, SMS messaging and QR codes, it's possible to analyse precisely where your business is coming from, even off-line, and advertise only where it would make most sense.

Through calling a set number, linking a set URL, sending an SMS or scanning a QR code, every enquiry can be tracked back to the source or “media type” it stems from. Without getting carried away with analytics (I can do that another time), you'll be able to work out the exact advertising cost per house sold/let, both on and off line and tailor your overall marketing spend as to make the best use of this.

Connecting with your audience improves customer experience and increase engagement. Adding a QR code to all your marketing collateral is a quick and easy way to get people to your website, social media accounts, and other online resources,

You can download and use this Free Adobe Express QR code creator.


To top this off, the merging of print and digital gives your printed material more of a 3D effect. You can show someone a fantastic ad – but don’t stop there. As you've caught their attention, entice them to find out more by using a wealth of tools and devices. Do you like this property? Find out who the celebrity owner was. Is one image not enough to spark an idea? Watch the video tour or slide show of additional pictures. You’ve seen a 'For Sale' sign after the pub one night… just click to get all the details before you forget about it and at least we'll remember to ask you about it in the morning! What this all means, is that instead of someone looking, and you just hoping, someone can now look and engage and you have a hot lead to follow up.

Well Thought Out

Due to the vast amount of competition, with more Agents in your area and the rise of the internet, print campaigns have become more joined up and smarter.

If I get some marketing coming my way, I might see it referenced out and about, such as on your website, and then in some cases follow it across other websites. If it's done well… and that is a big IF, especially with re-marketing, this could hugely boost brand awareness.

AND,  the one thing that cannot be measured or documented by technology (yet!) is the way that people think. So after suddenly deciding (whilst grabbing a coffee, overseeing last minute homework, feeding the cat all before the school run and work) that we need to upsize, I don’t trawl around the internet to compare Estate Agents like I would for an insurance quote. The ones that I decide to look up, are the ones that have stuck in my memory from previous forays across the portals, for example, 'for sale' signs of properties I like or interesting advertising etc. AND when I am on their website – it needs to be a shining example of why they should sell my house – I will request a valuation or visit.  A cohesive Brand.

To create a cohesive brand across all aspects of their business, we work closely with our clients. From the updating of an identity, repositioning a brand, sales collateral in keeping with your website, branded inserts that are printed directly from the site - useful guides, particulars, market insight - all up to date info as you rush out of the door. If these things aren't consistent, then your hard earned marketing budget isn't being put to its best use, as you spend it on printed material or off-line advertising.

And Finally...

I'll leave you with some things that print can do, but web can't:

  • Touchy feely is good. If it's well designed, I will engage with it and want to keep it around.*

  • I like free stuff - who doesn't? If what you give me is something for me, rather than something about you, then I might not be inclined to bin it immediately!

  • I’m not very good at filing off-line, so printed things crop up far more often.

  • When I think of downtime, I think of things away from the computer, such as reading a magazine or booklet.

  • 'For Sale' boards are an incredible resource for free advertising (however we all feel about, we know it is!).

My point here is: you take your print and you give it wings! There's so much more that it can do for your business.


*According to Barcelona 2014 innovation in technology conference, touchy feely will be possible online soon!